Lee Academy, Bishopville

Home of the Cavaliers

Lee Academy is a fully accredited K2-12th grade independent school. Our K2-6th grade curriculum provides a strong academic foundation and is geared to prepare students for future academic success. The high school curriculum offers college preparatory studies with dual-enrollment courses offered during a student's Junior and Senior years. Central Carolina Technical College & USC Sumter, in partnership with Lee Academy, offer college credit courses during the school year.
It is believed that it is the responsibility of Lee Academy to assist each student to develop his/her full potential in mental, moral, physical, and social development; teach them to accept responsibility, discipline themselves, think independently, make maximum contributions to the betterment of their environment; and to help them meet their educational needs as they progress toward a responsible citizenship in a God-fearing and democratic society.


Faculty & Staff

Thank you for entrusting your children to our care! We know choosing the right school can be a difficult decision. Thank you for choosing us! We promise to do our best to educate your child, help them mature as they grow, and prepare them to be successful.